Latest America’s Yewts Prefer Secession To Perpetual Union Mandeville, LA - The secession movement is gaining steam and winning converts. This is the natural result of the obvious embarrassing disfunction of our federal government and its beligerence to financial responsibility. After all what other remedy is left to those who view our current crisis as a moral & mortal threat to their liberties and their posterity's very survival as free people? Donald Livingston, author of "Rethinking the American […] todayJanuary 5, 2013 6
insert_link Founders Television Mike’s Commentary on Romney’s VMI Speech Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Yesterday Mitt gave his "The World Needs More American War" speech at the Virginia Military Institute. So today, on Founders TV, we bring you a special, "live" commentary of Mike's thoughts and analysis on Romney's speech. We'll talk about what Romney defines as "American Exceptionalism", his push for a third term... of the Bush presidency, and his jealousy of Obama because he's […] todayOctober 9, 2012 5
insert_link Daily Clip Andre Loves Bombing Brown People and Mark Demands Mike Toe the GOP Line Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Going to let Mark speak for himself on this one, to hear more from him and Andre, check out today's audio and transcript: "Mike, I listen to your show every morning. I have lots of options on Sirius. You were talking about MSNBC earlier. Somehow agreeing on Chris Matthews on any topic, I don’t expect that from your show, Mike. I’m really […] todaySeptember 25, 2012 11
Pile Of Prep “The Industry” Revolt Against Romney Begins Following The Grass Roots DeceptiCONS demand that Romney sharpen the saber and get to rattling it at something other than Afghanistan as the "Exceptionalist's" war fever heats up in Afghan drawdown I told ya so: The ObamaBot Zombies see the same vulnerability in Romney that was used so effectively against John Kerry: just NOT being Obama won't work TAC: Daniel Larison isn't buying it Listen to my 2004 parody song of John Kerry's troubles "Tie […] todaySeptember 12, 2012 6
insert_link Transcripts Just War Must be Practiced With Constitutional Declarations Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The obsession with war, the obsession with military and military might, the obsession with paramilitary organizations, police officers and what have you, these things are all tied together. They’re all linked together. We were warned about this at the dawn of this era. We were warned about it after what Lincoln did. We were warned about it before we went to war against the […] todaySeptember 7, 2012 24
insert_link Daily Clip Michelle Obama Reverses the Role of American Exceptionalism Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Richard Gamble writes at The American Conservative yesterday, and I believe this is totally relevant, “American Exceptionalisms.” Remember earlier in the show today I played you a clip from a video of Michelle Obama taking the neocon international American exceptionalism version and applying it to home and applying it here to domestic issues. The decepticon, neocon version of this is that if […] todaySeptember 5, 2012 3
Pile Of Prep Stand And Deliver: Mitt Romney Heckled At NAACP Romney at NAACP: ObamaCare's going down, if you want jobs it HAS to go down - Romney's "Sistah Souljah moment?" Teen Wolf Blitzer blasts Obama on CNN for NOT attending where Romney dared walk (NAACP) Congratulations and welcome to über financial blogger Veronique de Rugy, one of my favorite writers on finances. Ms. de Rugy became an American citizen today-replacing Denise Rich x6 Flashback on Souljah: 1992, Bill Clinton at Jesse […] todayJuly 12, 2012 12
insert_link Founders Television What Incentive Could Ron Paul Possibly Have To Endorse Mitt Romney? [private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Check out today's Post Show Show where Mike discusses Tom Woods imploring Ron Paul to NOT endorse Mitt Romney and what incentive would Paul have FOR endorsing Romney? He also discusses American Exceptionalism from an unlikely source... Bill Maher. Check out the free preview for more, and if you have a Founder's Pass you can listen to the entire […] todayJune 12, 2012 5
insert_link Daily Clip Barbara Elliot: Voluntary Charity, Not Government Welfare is What Makes a Difference in People MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - Mike interviews Barbara J. Elliott the founder of the Center for Cultural Renewal, which works to renew the cities of America through acts of voluntary charity in place of government welfare systems. She is also the founder of the WorkFaithConnection, which has been serving people leaving homelessness, prison, drug addiction,and joblessness. Since its beginning in2007, they have transitioned more than 1,000 people into a […] todayMarch 23, 2011 28
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757