insert_link Transcripts Leviathan Has Spent Your Money, Your Kids’ Money, Now Onto Spending Your Grandkids’ Money Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let’s just sum up what has occurred in the month of October in 2013. The final attempt to repeal what is known as the Affordable Care Act has failed, and it has failed miserably. I mean, it has failed so demonstrably that there is little if anything that you could say, from a federal standpoint anyway, no concessions came out of it. Check out […] todayOctober 21, 2013 7
insert_link Transcripts The Great Louisiana EBT Heist Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What happened in that Wal-Mart in Louisiana on Saturday? This is being dubbed now as the “Louisiana heist” in the towns of Mansfield and Springhill. I don’t live near either one of the two. What happened? The EBT card system apparently, run by the Xerox Corporation, went caput for a little while while the servers were being updated or whatever it was that Xerox […] todayOctober 16, 2013 7
insert_link Transcripts They Love It, They Love It Not – Republicans Need To Pick A Side On Obamacare Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There are a lot more of the Ryans and Boehners and Cantors than there are of the Gohmerts, Amashes, and Massies. Legislatively speaking, you don’t have a leg to stand on. The other part of this is, and I’ve been pointing this out for the last two and a half years: Why are people like Paul Ryan and others running around saying they have […] todayOctober 16, 2013 12
insert_link Transcripts A Dysfunctional Citizenry Concerned About Their Dysfunctional Government Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We’re going to step into the King Dude’s wayback machine and go back two days ago to the Gallup organization’s website. If you were perusing that particular poll on who it is that is to blame for the temporary interruption in non-essential wealth transfer payments, you may have stumbled upon this oxymoron: “Dysfunctional Government Surpasses Economy as Top U.S. Problem.” I couldn’t stop laughing […] todayOctober 15, 2013 6
insert_link Transcripts What Did You Think Decreasing The Size And Scope Of Government Would Look Like? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Again, I fail to see why anyone that participates in, advocates for, and has been dreaming about shrinking the federal leviathan, why you are not taking the chance or the opportunity to hit the ramparts, to dig yourself in, and to encourage those that have a vote or say-so in this to hold the line. Folks, this is the battle we’ve all been waiting […] todayOctober 9, 2013 13
insert_link Transcripts David Stockman’s “Sundown In America” Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Back to David Stockman, there are a couple more stats from the “Sundown in America” essay that he wrote. You can find it in today’s Pile of Prep. If you’re not already convinced, after I read you the rollover of the debt from the first hour, Stockman isn’t finished with his rundown. I’m skipping here. This thing is 18 pages long if printed. I’m […] todayOctober 8, 2013 24
insert_link Transcripts Russell Kirk’s The Conservative Mind – 60 Years Later Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The question remains: What is to be done? This is where we turn to Dr. Russell Kirk and to Bruce Frohnen’s piece at The Imaginative Conservative. This is also posted in today’s Pile of Prep. Bruch Frohnen is writing about The Conservative Mind, which is 60 years old this year. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayOctober 8, 2013 4
insert_link Transcripts You Can’t Shut Down Mother Nature, Man Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So Harry Reid, Barack Obama and all of those steely-eyed statesmen who are not going to give into this blackmail by this Republican Party that controls the House of Representin’ are now exacting financial and physical and mental harm on those that ordinarily would make their living selling and marketing services that have something to do with a national park. I got a question […] todayOctober 7, 2013 5
insert_link Transcripts Divide And Conquer – A Simple Yet Effective Way Of Destroying America Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We are all being played here, folks. This is why this partisanship is going to lead to heartache, and has led to heartache. Do you know what else it does? It keeps the faithful faithful. It keeps those little old ladies sending those $25 checks to the Heritage Foundation. It keeps those little old ladies going to all those club meetings. It keeps all […] todayOctober 4, 2013 9
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757