insert_link Catholicism Is That A Wetland On your Property Or A Patch Of Land That Identifies As a “Wetland”, Sir? Mandeville, LA - The EPA is getting into the LGBTQrstlne fan-boy business now by conducting an all-important survey to catalogue all EPA employees sexual preferences and what "gender" they currently identify with. I am puzzled though as to why the usual suspect, ACLU types aren't screaming "invasion of privacy" and "unconstitutional!" over this massive data gathering? The email sent last week by EPA Chief of Staff Matt Fritz announced a “ground-breaking” pilot program that […] todayAugust 31, 2016 9
insert_link Transcripts Marc Morano and Mike Church Talk Climate Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Marc Morano, the producer and the creator behind the fantastic movie Climate Hustle, and proprietor of is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us. By the way, our threat is not the Russians or terrorism or Islam; it is climate change, the greatest threat to our life according to the whole Democratic [unintelligible], according to Bernie Sanders, according to President Obama, and […] todayAugust 25, 2016 5
insert_link Daily Clip Why is FOX News Propaganda Superior to O’MSNBC Propaganda? Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - This Clip of The Day was originally aired and published on Jul 12, 2012 and is part of the Founders Pass Flashback Collection. Caller Randy seems to have been brainwashed by the mainstream media… he seems to think that the propagandists at FOX are A-OK but the ones at O'MSNBC aren't. Sorry Randy but there's nothing fair or balanced about FOX, MSNBC, or […] todayJune 8, 2015 11
insert_link Church Doctrine “Man-Made” Climate Change Is A Deadly Excuse To Steal Wealth Mandeville LA -The planet that we are blessed to inhabit does not have a thermostat on it for humans to set at increased or decreased “global” temperatures. But don’t tell that to the witch doctors working for the hilariously mis-titled Natural Resources Defense Council or the Sierra Club which spends most of its time suing people in places that aren’t the Sierras. We must be reminded of these common sense […] todayJune 3, 2014 6
Transcripts “The NSA Are Coming! The FDA Are Coming!” What Mortified the Founding Fathers "Consolidation of government mortified the men that we call founding fathers. In other words, it scared them to death. todayDecember 5, 2013 12
insert_link Transcripts Congress Has No Regulatory Authority Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The Congress’s power is to make commerce regular, 18th Century speak: to make it free. No tariffs, taxes or impost and duties in between the several states, which did exist under the Articles of Confederation. Folks, all this is a matter of perspective here. For those of you that pine away for that fabled constitutional government that you think once existed and if we […] todayAugust 3, 2013 7
insert_link Transcripts Where’s The Benghazi-Sized Outrage Over The IRS Targeting Tea Party Groups? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Just reading through this thing, this must be 4,000 words long, “IRS Knew Tea Party Was Being Targeted In 2011.” You want to talk about things that actually were denied and people denied them with knowledge, this may be your actual Benghazi. The story I have is from the Huffington Post. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todayMay 13, 2013 9
Pile Of Prep Young Republicans Record Rap to Attract Young Voters When They Could Have Stopped Rapping On Ron Paul Hooray for the ACTUAL banker who ACTUALLY banks with his own deposits then must use profits to sue the Feds over Dodd-Frank trying to shut him down Parker: You Republican imbeciles do not understand the female plumbing and how to politically treat it so "it" votes for you - Church: If the GOP hadn't corralled abortion & the courts as their cause de millennia your plumbing would be your business […] todayAugust 22, 2012 24
insert_link Daily Clip Why Complain About the FDA? Just End It! Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - The FDA is yet another Federal Agency that needs to be eliminated. IF some sort of regulation agency has to exist for food and drugs, wouldn't you prefer it to be City, County or at most State wide? Then maybe you could actually CALL them if you had a question about a drug if you worked in a pharmacy instead of just […] todayApril 27, 2012 4
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757