party politics

138 Results / Page 14 of 16



Political Ideology Blinds Us To The Truth

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Again, what is at issue here is an out-of-control, very dangerous government. It doesn’t matter who it is that’s running it. Obama just happens to be the latest provocateur, and yes, he is dangerous, and yes, he is impeachable as well. When President Bush had Judith Miller locked up, [mocking] “She poses a threat!” He was equally injurious to the First Amendment. What we […]

todayMay 22, 2013 6


The Rich Get Richer, The Elite More Powerful, So What Do The Rest Of Us Get?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you really want a solution, if you’re really looking for a radical way to deal with this latest scandal, instead of screaming and hollering at Obama and the IRS, which you’re going to do anyway. You’re always going to protest mightily against a tax collection agency. If you really want something to sink your teeth into, ask the question of why. Why was […]

todayMay 16, 2013 8


The Power Genie Is Out Of The Bottle And Running Amok In The National Government

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I think that the point to be made is that when it comes to the IRS, how is it that they obtained this unbelievable power to do and to perform the tormenting things they are accused of performing, which by the way they do. Same thing with the attorney general. How in dude’s holy name does the Injustice Department acquire the awesome, unbelievable power […]

todayMay 16, 2013 9


IRS Scandal Continues To Be About Party Politics Instead Of Tyrannical Powers

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Again, most people are missing the overriding drama and the overriding problem with this. The problem or the issue ought to be that you have an out-of-control, overreaching federal monster, a leviathan as envisioned by Hobbes, that knows no limits on its authority and has people that work for it that are not going to be accountable. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayMay 16, 2013 8


The Good Vs. Evil Paradigm Is Shifting

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Tom Woods and Kevin Gutzman are probably two of the smartest men that I have certainly ever met. Tom was a late bloomer. Tom started out as what he calls a neocon and what I call a decepticon. It’s not until you immerse yourself in the actual study of history -- I don’t just mean the epical history we love to romanticize about. I […]

todayMay 14, 2013 10


Ron Paul Agrees, Benghazi Is A Political Witch Hunt

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Was there an egregious abuse of power? You’re damn skippy there was. It happened when President Obama, encouraged by Republicans in the United States Senate and the House of Representin’, decided to lend American armaments, American technology, American pilots, American spooks on the ground to go find, hunt down, and assist in the assassination and elimination of Muammar Gaddafi, who was the leader of […]

todayMay 14, 2013 7


Where’s The Benghazi-Sized Outrage Over The IRS Targeting Tea Party Groups?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Just reading through this thing, this must be 4,000 words long, “IRS Knew Tea Party Was Being Targeted In 2011.” You want to talk about things that actually were denied and people denied them with knowledge, this may be your actual Benghazi. The story I have is from the Huffington Post. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayMay 13, 2013 9


Does Benghazi Equal Impeachment?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You know why McCain doesn’t think that Obama has committed an impeachable offense, because McCain would use the same kind of force were he president, had he been elected president. You would do this without even thinking. McCain is the one running around ginning up another war that we can enjoy the fun of getting involved in in Syria. Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayMay 13, 2013 23
