party politics

138 Results / Page 3 of 16



Marc Morano and Mike Church Talk Climate

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Marc Morano, the producer and the creator behind the fantastic movie Climate Hustle, and proprietor of is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us.  By the way, our threat is not the Russians or terrorism or Islam; it is climate change, the greatest threat to our life according to the whole Democratic [unintelligible], according to Bernie Sanders, according to President Obama, and […]

todayAugust 25, 2016 5


What Is The Mainstream?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Today’s mainstream is what you know as the lib media.  It is there.  It is a real thing.  It does exercise an extraordinary amount of control over the affairs of men.  Why?  Because they have the power to broadcast.  They have the power to drive and direct news cycles.  They have the power to pick and choose what it is that is actually going […]

todayAugust 17, 2016 9


Joseph Pearce – Do Black Lives Really Matter?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The fact that most of these abortions take place – most of these executions, let me get this correct, are performed by a corporate entity.  You know it as Planned Parenthood.  There is one presidential candidate that believes Planned Parenthood is entitled to not only taxpayer funding but more taxpayer funding.  We could go on and on and on about the atrocities that are […]

todayAugust 16, 2016 8


Our Man In Mordor, Bloom: Trump’s Convention Defied The Flawed, DeceptiCON, Model…Yay!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Jordan Bloom, our man in Mordor, is live at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. What can you tell us of the most standout moments thus far of your sojourn into the belly of the beast, actually being at the RNC?" Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Jordan Bloom, our man in Mordor, is live at the […]

todayAugust 8, 2016 10


De-Christianization Of The Western World

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Meanwhile, there is much that we do agree on together as brothers and sisters in Christ, much that we agree on.  We certainly, many of us, agree that the right v. left paradigm is part of the problem.  Why don’t our friends agree?"  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript [reading] This system is destroying all the forms of […]

todayJuly 1, 2016 11


Scott McConnell On Why Trump Will Win The Office Of The Presidency

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There’s a great visual today of candidate Trump going to check in on his golf resorts in Scotland on the day of the Brexit vote.  I don’t know if that’s coincidence or if it’s just smart campaigning to say: Donald hasn’t come out and said that he’s against the Brexit.  Obama has and Mrs. Clinton has, but Trump hasn’t said anything about it.  To […]

todayJune 30, 2016 5


The Republican Establishment

Our Man In Mordor Discusses The GOP Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I was telling the audience earlier today that I cannot logically reason – my logic will not allow me to reason any other way or any other reason why Cruz and Kasich are hanging around other than the GOP has something nefarious up its sleeve and they still need live, warm campaigning bodies on the scene of […]

todayMay 4, 2016 10


How Can Conservatives Win The Debate?

Truth Can Unify Us All Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "One is this essay, “How Can Conservatives Win the Debate?”  You can’t win the debate about conservatives until you can define what conservatism or what a conservative is.  In other words, you can’t defend something unless you know what it is.  Can anyone tell me what a conservative is?  Describe him to me.  Let’s see if there’s a universal […]

todayMay 3, 2016 3


The Demise Of A Candidacy

Buchanan - A Sea Island Conspiracy Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Where is Sea Island, South Carolina?  It is across the little bay from Jekyll Island.  You want to talk about coincidences, right?  This meeting that was held at Sea Island right across from Jekyll Island is where the cabal met to plot the demise of the candidacy of Trumpzilla.  I have been telling you over and over and […]

todayApril 6, 2016 8
