rand paul

192 Results / Page 21 of 22


Pile Of Prep

Would Murray Rothbard Tell Today’s “2 Evils” Voters To Choose Romney?

VIDEO: Tom Woods implores Ron Paul to NOT endorse Mitt Romney FLASHBACK: What would Libertarian icon & hero Murray Rothbard do with the Romney/Obama vote? Most likely, cash the checks and then vote for the lesser of two evils BROKEN CLOCKS & BILL MAHER-Being right twice a day is no badge of achievement but Bill Maher actually gets one right on "American Exceptionalism" The front page of American Spectator bears […]

todayJune 12, 2012 5

Founders Television

Rubio is Conservatives Top Pick For Romney’s Running Mate!?

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Check out today's Post Show Show podcast free preview where Mike discusses the obsession that the Decepticons have with Rubio.  If you think Romney has a crazy foreign policy, well he gets it from guys like Rubio.  Check out the free preview for more on Romney/Rubio and if you have a Founder's Pass you can listen to the entire […]

todayJune 11, 2012 11

Pile Of Prep

Congressman: Drone Strikes Carry Out Righteousness & Goodness Even With Collateral Damage

VIDEO: What do Libertarians think about Rand Paul's embrace/endorsement of Romney? Watch... Obama campaign's data mining machine is both a marvel and a danger Politico: What Rand Paul's endorsement of Romney means?It means what I told you it meant, Rand is not a libertarian crank anymore Mark Steyn: Obama the celebrity President charges more for an audience with his subjects than the Queen does Dumbocrats in Wi still think their […]

todayJune 11, 2012 3


Why Marty the Cop Must Remain Vigilant of Rand Paul After Romney Endorsement

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Rand just became a lot more powerful.  Let me repeat, with that action of endorsing Governor Romney last night, Rand became a lot more powerful.  He is now a lot more difficult to dismiss as some ideological Libertarian crank.  That’s a good thing.  Let’s look for the glass half full.  Just know, Rand, I’m watching you.  If we don’t keep our eyes and we […]

todayJune 8, 2012 14

Pile Of Prep

So Investors Will Sink Their Paper Notes in When BernYankMe Puts The Next Generations IOU’s In!?

Perverts: So "Investors" will sink their paper notes in when Bernyankme puts the next generations IOU's in!? Sick. "Global stocks extended their biggest rally of the year amid rising hopes of further market-boosting stimulus measures by policy makers, as Asian equities surged to their best gains for more than two months." NoCovery Summer: Gas consumption and petroleum use hit 20 year lows Bankrupted by Unions & Gubbmint employees: Two cities in CA decide […]

todayJune 7, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

Meet us On The Campaign Trail For “It’s Just Stump” The New VP Dating Service Hosted By Campaign Romney

The Veepstakes is on as Romney barnstorms the countryside from Veep haunt to Veep haunt testing out his potential running mates stump speeches in episodes of "Its Just Stump" Romney's "Day One-The Sequel" hits TV screens this weekend just in time for Memorial Day "The Courtship of Ronnie's Son" - Romney meets with Rand Paul behind closed doors in 30 minute mystery event WHAT IS THIS!? Chris Matthews wants to […]

todayMay 25, 2012 5

Founders Television

The Kentucky Massiecre

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private]   Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video & Audio - Check out today's Post Show Show podcast preview where we're discussing what Thomas Massie's win in Kentucky means.  This is a big win for liberty, Mr. Massie beat out several big government hacks in Kentucky, which seems to be the center for the current Liberty Movement. In this preview you'll also hear Jack Hunters response to Thomas Massie's […]

todayMay 24, 2012 10


Paul vs Paul: New Anti-Federalists Emerge

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - On May 16, Senate Democrats continued their three-year-old tradition of failing to pass a budget.  But not before voting down four Republican budget plans, plus the Obama budget, which received the special honor of being dispatched unanimously.  The real news?  The increasing support for the budgets offered by two men named “Paul“: Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Rand Paul.  The Ryan budget was defeated, 58-41.  The bolder Paul […]

todayMay 23, 2012 2

Pile Of Prep

Sellout: NASCAR Needs For Fans To Go Spider Money On Them & The EPA

Sellout: NASCAR mails in the keys to the "sport", makes deal with the devil/EPA for "green concessions", as Tony Stewart glad-hands Obama The Federalists Strike Back: Editorial pits Rand Paul vs Paul Ryan in Budget Wars Jenkins: The FaceBook debacle is actually a good thing for the small investor SC town has 20 foot long mysterious snake visit, Zoo says it is a "rat snake" but looks it like a […]

todayMay 23, 2012 9
