Blog masonry


Pile Of Prep

Living in the Era of Ron Paul

Spendora Galaxy to Obama/Biden, come in Obama/Biden...over.... acknowledge that the GM/Chrysler bailouts did NOT work, repeat the cost of the bailout has risen to $25 BILLION Moderators for the Presidential debates are announced, alas, Dr. Gutzman and I did not make the cut Oh noooo, Paul Ryan voted FOR the bailout of Chrysler/GM, well so much for having the ol' conservative-devotee and defender of the Constitution, upper hand VIDEO: Erskine Bowles is a fan of Ryan, even called him a "genius" […]

todayAugust 14, 2012 16

Listeners Lounge

Secession is AOK as Long as Northerners Are The Ones Promoting It – Just Like WLK’s Story

Mandeville, LA - The plot lines of "What Lincoln Killed-Episode I" detail the NORTHERN states attempts to secede and form a Northern Confederation during the Jefferson & Adams Administrations. As I point out in WLK, 45 years later the sons of Madison & Jefferson (figuratively speaking) actually went though with their secession acts which impelled northern states to boil over with 70 years of pent up frustration. Chuck Thompson is a travel writer who has traveled the country extensively determining […]

todayAugust 13, 2012 17

Daily Clip

Ryan Doesn’t Make Romney Conservative

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - What exactly is conservative about voting for TARP, about the GM/Chrysler bailout, about voting for the Medicare Part D, voting for and supporting afterwards the “No Child Gets an Education” Act and supporting endeavors in federal education?  These things are all patently unconstitutional.  I will give anyone credit for saying if the choice is between doing a buttload of harm with Obama/Biden and doing less harm with Romney/Ryan, then doing less harm […]

todayAugust 13, 2012 3

Founders Television

Lowry and Maddow Yell It Out Over $700 Billion in Medicare Cuts

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - On today's [r]epublican radio podcast watch as the Red Sox and Yankees, er I mean the Reds and the Blues, Dems and Libs go at it on Meet the Press yelling at each other about $700 Million in Medicare Cuts.  Get ready everyone cause this is what you're going to see for the next couple of months, a bunch of name calling and labeling of people on this side […]

todayAugust 13, 2012 4


Paul Ryan Gives Romney The Look of Being Serious About Being Serious

My thoughts on the Paul Ryan VP pick by Governor Romney as I relayed them to Kevin Gutzman. "I agree this is a positive move and spares me the agony of having to deal with supporters of war monger Rubio. Ryan is only serious inasmuch as saving baseline budgeting from its well deserved demise but I agree he is a very serious man and I believe him to be well tempered and thoughtful. All things considered, Romney is showing that he […]

todayAugust 13, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

UK Finishes Olympics In Statist Style-Feautures Lennon’s “Imagine”

VIDEO: Would you like to see Red Sox vs yankees, Rd vs Blue, the putrid argument ad nauseum you will hear 5,000.000 times between now and Nov 7th? Watch these two cherub looking pundits Lowry and Maddow yell it out over $700 billion in Medicare cuts Chalk up Fox News local affiliate #5 that is airing my "Johnathan Vilma-Federalist" series of video commentaries. Thank you Michigan! "Mention the Medicare trustees' report to Democrats, and they start accusing you of pushing […]

todayAugust 13, 2012 9

Founders Corner

Jefferson Isn’t Just For Liberty Anymore: Bourbon Advice From Mike Church

A listener, Andrew Moore writes: Hello Mike, As I consider you my political guru and responsible for my unplugging from the matrix I seek further guidance from you. Which of the Jefferson's Reserve Bourbons would you recommend? In what manner would you suggest to properly imbibe your recommendation? Thank you for your sage advice. Prithee peace, Andrew Moore Response: Andrew, Jefferson's Reserve is one of the best bourbon whiskeys there is so you've made a good choice. Jefferson's comes in […]

todayAugust 12, 2012 5

This Day in Founder's History

This Day In Founders History – 11 & 12 August

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private]   This Day In Founders History – 11 & 12 August In August of 1779 (exact date unknown), John Adams proposed founding the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the oldest honorary societies in the U.S. John Hancock and James Bowdoin collaborated with Adams and the Academy was established by the Massachusetts legislature the following year. Adams went on to serve as its first president from 1791 to 1814. August 12, 1776, General George Washington […]

todayAugust 11, 2012 11

Daily Clip

Dapper Dan Makes The Man

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Our dress condition today is deplorable.  As I said, I find myself guilty of it.  This is not to say that stupid people and evil, despicable people don’t wear nice clothes.  Please don’t get me wrong.  I think, though, that it is one of these unspoken -- what is it that Charles Murray said that Roger Kimball said to him, the great conservative writer?  “What we have here today is a lack of obedience […]

todayAugust 10, 2012 21
