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Daily Clip

Allen West – Tea Party Traitor

Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, La. - Allen West has shown his traitorous colors as it relates to principles or belief in Liberty and little-r republicanism. As such he reveals that his only claim to being a member of the "Tea Party" was in order to pander to the group so he too might enjoy the aristocracy of the contemporary U.S. Congress. Mike and Dr. Kevin Gutzman discuss the Traitor West's Tea Party desertion during the debt ceiling, the logical fallacy of automatically […]

todayAugust 4, 2011 1

Church Doctrine

Give a Parasite a Free Cellphone and He

Give a Parasite a Free Cellphone and Hell Call his Peeps-On YOUR Dime2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Give a man a cellphone and he can call his peeps. Teach a man to fleece taxpayers to pay for the cellphone and he can call his peeps and the beer and barbecue are on him. What is called the Universal Service Fund does provide the parasite class with a means to do just that: receive free cellphone […]

todayAugust 4, 2011 5


Are we Motivated to Reclaim the Spirit of '76?

[mp3t track='03082011_Transcript1_What_Founders_really_Founded.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, La.- Mike wonders if the American people actually have the motivation to channel the spirit of the Founding Generation or is it all just merely hot-air?Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: Theres a difference between revering the Founders and revering what the Founders were defending. What did they think they were founding? Their impression of what they were founding or what they were defending, because thats what they were doing, they were trying to secure what already was, […]

todayAugust 4, 2011 2


How Do We Fix America?

[mp3t track='02082011_Transcript1_What_can you_do.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, La.- It should be abundantly clear to anyone with open eyes just what a sorry state we find ourselves in here in America. The House cheers in thundering cackles, high-fiving themselves at finally negotiating a deal to swindle trillions away from those not yet even born whilst the Senate acting like a group of senile grandparents nods accordingly, staring blankly off into the corner of the room, betting on the fact the majority of them will […]

todayAugust 2, 2011 5

Church Doctrine

The Tea Party

The Tea Partys Debt Ceiling Victory, A Victory For Big Brother2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.In the great debate over the debt ceiling a winner has certainly emerged and that winner is the Tea Party, but the Tea Party is victorious not for what the New Deck Chair Party - The NDCP - accomplished but for what has been learned ABOUT the NDCP.The NDCP presented itself as trustworthy guardians of the Constitution and the limited […]

todayAugust 2, 2011 10

Church Doctrine

Did the sheeple of the Roman Empire Ever Wake Up?

Did the sheeple of the Roman Empire Ever Wake Up?2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Heres a question for you: do you think the sheople of the Roman Empire ever woke up? I ask this question because the minuscule portion of Roman history that we are still teaching uses the phrase the Fall of the Roman Empire. Thus, that Empires collapse is couched in terms that should serve as a warning for future empires, like our […]

todayAugust 1, 2011 10


Speaker Boehner Continues to Disregard the Constitution

[mp3t track='22032011_transcript1.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: So we have that. This story here about John Boehner here, this is just and if you needed any evidence that the new Deck Chair Party is just that, and that there really isnt much, theres not too much difference between your basic DeceptiCon fake phony fraud conservative Republican and your basic Democrats, your entry-level Democrat, well, this ought to assuage you of that notion.Here: Freshman House Republicans are already putting House Speaker John […]

todayJuly 29, 2011 7

Church Doctrine

The 1960

The 1960s-Hippies, Flowers And The Invention Of Paint Brushes by Congress2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineRepresentative Jim McDermott was on OMSNBC yesterday talking about cutting federal spending. From the sound of McDermotts cry it would have been easy for the uninformed to believe he were prepping the audience for a late night creature feature double feature, the only thing missing was some black robes, fangs and disheveled hair. McDermott warned what would happen if Tea […]

todayJuly 29, 2011 7
