Church Doctrine

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Church Doctrine

What do PBS Supporters Think We Are? Unified Thinking, Chinese Communists!?

In last week’s presidential Debate, Mitt Romney famously promised to “eliminate any agency or program we have to fund by borrowing money from China”. This include PBS and Big Bird. Romney’s test for Federal survival is much ballyhooed by “conservatives” who aren’t very “conservative” these days. If you need a test for whether or not to fund something Governor, try looking it up in here. If it doesn’t appear in […]

todayOctober 11, 2012 5

Church Doctrine

The Morality of Federally Subsidized Sweet Tea

If there is any truth to the adage that “misery loves company” then a majority of the New Orleans Saints fans must be connecting with President Obama today as both the Saints & the President are winless in their respective seasons. The Saints losses have been mainly self inflicted while the Presidents loss in last night’s debate is inspired by what he has helped most of us lose: our wealth, […]

todayOctober 5, 2012 7

Church Doctrine

Presidential Debates: To Light Torches, or Torch the Lighters? Presidential Debates: To Light Torches, or Torch the Lighters? ©2012 Mike Church For Washington's Inaugural Address, click here! At the start of every Olympic Games there is a torch lighting ceremony featuring a torch that has been carried around the planet by various athletes and dignitaries. The ceremony makes the start of the olympic games official and adds some aura of tradition as well. At the start of tomorrow […]

todayOctober 2, 2012 5

Church Doctrine

When Bailout Money Leads To The Biggest Bailout Of All Time

When in Rome do as the Roman’s do or as we might say in 2012 Louisiana do as the Madoffs do. Last week I reported that Governor Bobby Jindal has boasted of conning the all too willing Federal Leviathan into “covering” 85% of the State’s Hurricane Isaac costs. Well not to be outdone in the mad rush for Pyhrric money, now I can wonder how the citizens of dry as […]

todaySeptember 14, 2012 11

Church Doctrine

Don’t Use Public Money To Buy Right Or Left Wing Fried Chicken Dinners

Don’t Use Public Money To Buy Right Or Left Wing Fried Chicken Dinners - Louisiana’s one of a kind school voucher program is now in effect and judging by the howls of righteous indignation coming from the usual suspects on the left it must be working. Times Picayune columnist Jarvis deBerry informs us that “Public money is now being used to send children to private schools … and taxpayers deserve […]

todayAugust 21, 2012 14

Church Doctrine

Will 2012 Produce a Hero or Day To Remember?

  Will 2012 Produce a Hero or Day To Remember? ©2012 Mike Church When the history of this year, 2012 is written, what issue will be the focus? Who will be the heroes and who will be the scapegoats? Will there be a date that future generations celebrate every year because of something we do in this one? Well, the answer to the date question is: it won’t be because […]

todayJuly 19, 2012 5

Church Doctrine

Our Emperors Have No Clothes (Or Money) Our Emperors Have No Clothes (or Money) ©2012 Mike Church Here is shocking headline number 1 “Louisiana faces cuts in its $7 BILLION Medicaid program”. Here is shocking headline number 2 “This will have a devastating effect on the people served”. That second headline is a real humdinger of an oxymoron because the “people served” by the government of Louisiana are the people that pay taxes to live here, […]

todayJuly 17, 2012 6

Church Doctrine

New Orleans – Where The Streets Have No Pave? New Orleans - Where The Streets Have No Pave? ©2012 Mike Church The mean streets of the French Quarter are about to get a makeover courtesy of the brokest broke nation in the history of broke nations and a road building scam called “Paths to Progress” which is more appropriately titled “Paths to Insolvency”. The program promises $65 million worth of repairs1. Some of you might wonder why anyone […]

todayJuly 16, 2012 22

Church Doctrine

Jonathan Vilma… Federalist?

  Jonathan Vilma-Federalist? ©2012 Mike Church When Who Dats ask me why I persist in promoting and explaining Louisiana as a sovereign state and the “federalism” that comes along with our voluntary membership in the union, I will now answer: Johnathan Vilma. Vilma, the beleagured New Orleans Saints player is suing NFL commish Roger Goodell for defaming his character without providing proof of the slur. Goodell’s response is that Vilma […]

todayJuly 11, 2012 4
