Church Doctrine

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Church Doctrine

The U.S. Titanic Will Sink Regardless of Who Rearranges The Deck Chairs

The U.S. Titanic Will Sink Regardless of Who Rearranges The Deck ChairsHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.2011 Mike ChurchAt a speech given to a Tea Party rally in Madison Wisconsin this past Saturday, Governor Sara Palin told the crowd that the new Deck Chair Party - was not sent to Mordor on the Potomac River to rearrange the deck chairs on the sinking U.S. Titanic. Frequent listeners […]

todayApril 21, 2011 10

Church Doctrine

Nu, prisoedinit?sya ko mne commrade(Come, join me Comrade)

Nu, prisoedinit?sya ko mne commrade(Come, join me Comrade)2011 Mike ChurchHi folks it's Mike Church with Today's Church DoctrineI have one very simple question to ask today: What took the "experts" at Standard & Poor's so long to finally announce to the financial world what most Americans already knew: The United States' Federal Leviathan is BROKE and it is getting more indebted by the hour. The timeliness of S&P's threat to […]

todayApril 19, 2011 11

Church Doctrine

Fresh Fried Donuts – The Breakfast of Liberty’s Champions

Fresh Fried Donuts - The Breakfast of Liberty's Champions2011 Mike ChurchHi folks it's Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.I attended a pair of Tea Party rallies this weekend, one in New York City and one in Tyler Texas. How ironic that the citizens of New York, which has a population in excess of 8 million people don't find their own government an imposition and instead focus all their energies on […]

todayApril 18, 2011 6

Church Doctrine

Civil War History: Factually Accurate As An Episode Of Johnny Bravo

Civil War History: Factually Accurate As An Episode Of Johnny Bravo2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.On April 12, 150 years ago today the shelling of Fort Sumter began, but the version of history about this event most Americans are familiar with and the events that happened afterwards is about as accurate had it come from Johnny Bravo of the Cartoon Network. The facts surrounding Fort […]

todayApril 13, 2011 4

Church Doctrine

The Dream of Actually Shutting Down the Federal Government Part II

The Dream of Actually Shutting Down the Federal Government2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Last Friday, protestors gathered outside the hallowed halls of Mordor on the Potomac Rivers Capitol to demand their unearned fair share of your wages and property. Now if that isnt offensive enough, the fair share in question will provide hundreds of millions in federal funds for the ghastly procedure that is abortion. […]

todayApril 11, 2011 6

Church Doctrine

Thanks Mr. Ryan – Republicans Remove The Possibility of Victory Over Marx

2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.The conservative author William Voegeli wrote an essay in 2007 called The trouble with limited government. In that essay, Voegeli argued that conservatives should mount a campaign to repeal the legacy of FDR, the New Deal and the rest of the welfare state. At its conclusion Voegeli wrote A conservatism that labors to reverse liberalism's displacement of Americans' rights as […]

todayApril 7, 2011 3

Church Doctrine

$5 Trillion Gamble On The Future or the U.F. of R.S.?

2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineThe Republican wunderkid, Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has finally released his Roadmap Forward budget outline which purports to cut the federal deficit by $5 Trillion over the next decade. This may sound like a huge amount of money and the cure to our financial ills but relatively speaking this is but a 10% reduction in what will become $50 Trillion […]

todayApril 6, 2011 8

Church Doctrine

Are We Bombing Libya To Conceal That $26 Billion We Gave Them In Bailouts?

2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineWill the last DeceptiCON standing go to their demise still fully in support of Obamas Un-Constitutional, Libyan war now that the real motivation for it seems to be money-OUR money? Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone Magazine reports today that of the 21,000 entities conferred status as too big to fail back in the Fall of 2008 one of those was […]

todayApril 4, 2011 7

Church Doctrine

What Conservatism Can Learn From Captain Jean Luc Picard

What Conservatism Can Learn FromCaptain Jean Luc Picard2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church withtodays Church DoctrineIn the Star Trek movie FirstContact, Captain Jean Luc Picard is confronted with what seems like a no winsituation as the evil Borg prepare to assimilate the earth unless Picardblows up the Enterprise and the Borg alongside it. Picard, refuses to cave into the defeat and in a moving speech says Weve made too […]

todayMarch 30, 2011 4
