Church Doctrine

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Church Doctrine

Megan Kelly -Newscaster, Mother and Socialist

(EDITOR'S NOTE- This story originally appeared on 09 August, 2011) Megan Kelly - Newscaster, Mother and Socialist 2011 Mike Church - Hey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine. On a recent broadcast1, the jubilant yet youthful doyenne of Fox News, Megan Kelly  instigated a debate with pundit Mike Gallagher over something Gallagher had said. To wit The Family & Medical Leave Act is a racket for women. Kelly , clad […]

todayAugust 7, 2015 12

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

ObamaCare Ruling Reminds WhoDats of “Louisiana Purchase”

Mandeville LA -This Founders TV Episode was originally published on Aug 3,2043 and is part of the Founders TV/ Post Show Show. FOLKS, a message from Mike - The Audio Clip of The Day files, Project 76 feature presentations, Church Doctrine audio & video clips and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the […]

todayJuly 15, 2015 10

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Tourism Is An “Industry” New Orleans Can’t Afford

Mandeville LA -This Founders TV Episode was originally published on Aug 7,2014 and is part of the Founders TV/ Post Show Show. FOLKS, a message from Mike - The Audio Clip of The Day files, Project 76 feature presentations, Church Doctrine audio & video clips and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the […]

todayJuly 15, 2015 4

Church Doctrine

CPAC: Ted Cruz & The Folly of Happiness Through American Leadership In Neverending Wars

Mandeville, LA - Countdown to destruction. Watching CNN right now the on-screen "Countdown to calamity" clock tells us when our vainglorious Dept of Mortgageland INsecurity will run out of digitally transferred "money", thus springing the gates wide open for all the illegals and terrorists who haven't taken advantage of our Southern borders, 1300 mile wide, never a wait, immigration "line." This heinous breach of Constitutional trust (DHS) was created BY "conservatives" […]

todayFebruary 27, 2015 4

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine Cancelled By WGNO But Will Live On Longer & Uncut Here

Mandeville, LA - After a 3 year run, the bi-weekly Church Doctrine commentaries Mike Church has provided for New orleans ABC affiliate WGNO's News With A Twist have been cancelled, colleague Kaare Johnson's bi-weekly commentaries were also cancelled. "I am grateful to have had the chance to provide New Orleans with a traditionalist/Catholic viewpoint for the last 3 years. To all those who enjoyed my feature, rest assured they will still […]

todayNovember 17, 2014 30



Evangelicals Shouldn’t Follow “Conservative” Heretics On Same Sex Marriage

Mandeville, LA -  The perversions visited upon our beloved "nomocratic" Constitution pale in comparisons to the perversions visited upon our Beloved, Benedicted Lord's teaching on marriage & morality. Now, according to Protestant blogger Benjamin Corey, "conservative...Christians" hold "personal theological position[s]" on such things as "support for civil marriage equality." This equality is preferred, Corey boastfully proclaims, because "The United States is not a theocracy where the church rules over society". This […]

todayNovember 17, 2014 12

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine – Britney Spears Has More Credibility Than Mary Landrieu

Britney Spears Has More Credibility Than Mary Landrieu ©2014 Mike Church Mandeville, LA - In pro football a “runoff” of ten seconds usually ends the game for the team that has the football. In Louisiana Politics, a “runoff” will probably end the incumbency of the team that has fumbled the football: Senator Mary Landrieu who meets Rep. Bill Cassady in a winner take all showdown on December 6th. If Landrieu’s […]

todayNovember 13, 2014 8


Church Doctrine

The Church Doctrine Video & Audio: Armistice Day Should Be Every Day

Armistice Day Should Be Every Day ©2014 Mike Church Mandeville, LA - On December 23rd, 1783, Commander in Chief George Washington traveled to the Confederation Congress, then meeting in Annapolis MD, to resign his commission. In his speech that day, Washington noted his reasons for resigning. “I have now the honor of offering my sincere Congratulations to Congress and of presenting myself before them to surrender into their hands the […]

todayNovember 11, 2014 7

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine: The WhoDat’s Guide To Voting For Sanity And Life

The WhoDat’s Guide To Voting For Sanity And Life ©2014 Mike Church At the conclusion of the Federal Convention of 1787, Philadelphia Mayor, Samuel Powell’s wife famously asked Ben Franklin “Well Dr. Franklin, what do we have a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin‘s famous reply “a republic, if you can keep it” might be remembered by WhoDats voting on yet another, double digit slate of  amendments to the Louisiana Constitution. […]

todayNovember 4, 2014 9
