Pile Of Prep

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Pile Of Prep

When Big Box Retailers Attack: CostCo Shacks Up With Obama-Biden 2012

Costco CEO says Obama "...understands that small businesses grow and prosper because of individual initiative—because entrepreneurs like you and me do the hard work it takes"-I didn't know CostCo sold medical marijuana AFTER mgmnt samples it WaPo's Milbank: Romney can't have his MIC cake and eat it to- the "military" will have to be cut alongside the "welfare" or else accept a tax increase. I am a promoter of the […]

todayJuly 26, 2012 18

Pile Of Prep

My Decline’s Better Than Yours Is, My Hell’s Better Than Yours

Rod Dreher writes what many of you are talking about these days even if you do not admit: what caused the current decline and is there any hope to reverse it? (there is, I call it [r]epublicanism) Frank Rich's original "Declinist" screed is here It's the Spending Stupid: WaTimes Editorial nails it with the "Potomac Fever" description of "the spending bug" (I believe the disease is incurable and fatal to the […]

todayJuly 25, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

The Industrial News Complex Blows Aurora Coverage

Twice now in 4 days ABC News has gone public with news that it could have corroborated and failed to do so, the reaction has been ho-hum which shows the line of demarcation between what news organizations claim is news and an uncaring public that must EXPECT IT (ABC) to be inferior - SAD While most obsess over the Second Amendment and TRTKBA and minutia of gun control someone needs […]

todayJuly 24, 2012 4

Pile Of Prep

Condi Rice For Romney’s Veep? The Stupid Party Finds Another Harriet Meiers

Remember when W 43 nominated Harriet Meiers to be a SCOTUS justice and the "right" howled their disapproval? Let's see if DeceptiCONIA balks at Ms Iraq War Condeleeza Rice Kevin Gutzman: The current SCOTUS is just like the last SCOTUS using case law and not The Ratifiers Intent to divine what is constitutional Governor Sara Palin, has she now become a liability for the GOP and GOP women, you know-woah-owwwww!? […]

todayJuly 13, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

Stand And Deliver: Mitt Romney Heckled At NAACP

Romney at NAACP: ObamaCare's going down, if you want jobs it HAS to go down - Romney's "Sistah Souljah moment?" Teen Wolf Blitzer blasts Obama on CNN for NOT attending where Romney dared walk (NAACP) Congratulations and welcome to über financial blogger Veronique de Rugy, one of my favorite writers on finances. Ms. de Rugy became an American citizen today-replacing Denise Rich x6 Flashback on Souljah: 1992, Bill Clinton at Jesse […]

todayJuly 12, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

Governor Gardosil’s Gambit on ObamaCare=Phony Nullification, Will TX Follow?

Robert Higgs' 14 things most people don't care much for and the 14 things they DO care for (showing the Liberty movement will be tougher than anyone thinks) 14 Things the Liberty Movement ISN'T counting on Pt II: There are LOTS of libs who think the current gubbmint is not big enough TX Governor Rick Perry crows his neck, stands the hair on his back and draws breath to bark […]

todayJuly 11, 2012 4

Pile Of Prep

Hottest Year On Record Is a Bunch of Hot Air

"The Donald" to be awarded "The Prize" for "Statesman of the year" from Sarasota GOP - kind of like Nancy Pelosi being crowned Miss Austerity Here it comes again or "they're ba-aaaack" meaning the credit as wealth delusion is settling in on the sheople as cash is consumed by debt and inflation leaving no alternative to extend our "standards of living" Milbank: Obama needs fire & brimstone when he ladles out […]

todayJuly 10, 2012 8

Pile Of Prep

The New Slavery: Why Should The Rest of us Pay For CA’s “High Speed Train” Fantasy?

Operation Insolvency reversed: CA Governor Brown secures $78 BILLION train system bill with the Feds (that means you and me) paying HALF, while CA is $18 BILLION in debt this year - Obama has pledged to fund MORE than half of the scam, $41 BILLION Brion McClanahan: ObamaCare Fallout was predictable, John Roberts meets John Roberts The beatification of John Roberts reaches new heights of ridiculousness Ernest Borgnine has passed away, […]

todayJuly 9, 2012 8
