Pile Of Prep

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Pile Of Prep

DeceptiCONNED: Boehner Congress LEads the Planet In New Debt Created

  Oy! VA Governor McDonnell says that borrowed money, printed out of thin air helped VA balance its books in 2009 Kaufman: Ron Paul, the Thin Man cometh is either a harbinger of the future or the last gasp of an optimistic attempt to save the former DeceptiCONNED: Just as I have lamented like a broken Journey 45 skipping at "nah nah nah nah nanah", Boehner Congress blows more in […]

todayJune 4, 2012 5

Pile Of Prep

Bloomberg’s “City That Never Sips” NY Nanny State’s War On The Big Gulp

So Bloomberg thinks you have the right to arbitrarily terminate a child living in your womb unless the termination is by Big Gulp? The Soda Empire Strikes back Bloomberg's war on choice in anything except abortion extends to the kind of foods soup kitchens are allowed to accept and feed the hungry and homeless NY Slimes columnist-Krugman-Praises then quotes Lord Keynes in the first sentence of his latest hissy fit […]

todayJune 1, 2012 5

Pile Of Prep

Where The Jobs Aren’t Part 153

Even the New York Slimes has to wonder whether entrusting and endorsing President Obama's obsession with authorizing lethal force on  individual targets is such a great long-term idea Romney puts Olympic Job Creation-suit on, eats a can of spinach and challenges the :Unemployer-in-Chief to put up some real numbers to defend his jobs record (wait, haven't I heard this one before!?) Romney to race/gender/rich guy/SUV driver/homophobe-baiters: ---k off, we won't […]

todayMay 31, 2012 12

Pile Of Prep

Meet us On The Campaign Trail For “It’s Just Stump” The New VP Dating Service Hosted By Campaign Romney

The Veepstakes is on as Romney barnstorms the countryside from Veep haunt to Veep haunt testing out his potential running mates stump speeches in episodes of "Its Just Stump" Romney's "Day One-The Sequel" hits TV screens this weekend just in time for Memorial Day "The Courtship of Ronnie's Son" - Romney meets with Rand Paul behind closed doors in 30 minute mystery event WHAT IS THIS!? Chris Matthews wants to […]

todayMay 25, 2012 4

Pile Of Prep

New Republican Education Platform, Same as the Old GOP Education Platform Give or Take $20 Billion

Sanders to hack economists at DC summit: Guys, uhhh, we do have to check with the Constitution to see if the gubbmint has the authority to actually experiment on people's finances Sooo, we KNOW that Obama's BLS has cooked the UE numbers to make it LOOK LIKE the rate is falling and now Romney, using similar methodology promises to keep up the trend? Why not stick with the stop adding […]

todayMay 24, 2012 3

Pile Of Prep

Sellout: NASCAR Needs For Fans To Go Spider Money On Them & The EPA

Sellout: NASCAR mails in the keys to the "sport", makes deal with the devil/EPA for "green concessions", as Tony Stewart glad-hands Obama The Federalists Strike Back: Editorial pits Rand Paul vs Paul Ryan in Budget Wars Jenkins: The FaceBook debacle is actually a good thing for the small investor SC town has 20 foot long mysterious snake visit, Zoo says it is a "rat snake" but looks it like a […]

todayMay 23, 2012 8

Pile Of Prep

Catholics Strike Back Filing 43 Lawsuits Against Obama for 1st Amendment Violations

In long overdue rebuff to Federal powers the Catholic Church seems to be saying that Obama influenced health insurance mandates are a usurpation too far, we can only hope they are so animated against all the rest of the governments meddling in religious affairs Whopper: DeceptiCON Grand Poobah Bill Kristol's revision of history and what it says about the GOP and Romney's future Vicious: This sort of vicious personal attack […]

todayMay 22, 2012 10

Pile Of Prep

Not Even A The FaceBook Fiat Fantasy Can Lift Itself & The Market As The Crash Wave Builds

FaceBook rang the bell and only half the "investors" who were supposed to show up for the Free Fiat Money Festival IPO of "virtual economy" run-wild showed up, probably because they were ON FaceBook at the time Did NASDAQ computer glitches screw up the FaceBook second coming? PRAY: Robin Gibb one third of the Bee Gees has died, From "I Started a Joke" to "Juliette" his was a voice that […]

todayMay 21, 2012 3

Pile Of Prep

Let’s Abolish Our Income Taxes Deport Schumer and Keep Eduardo Saverin

The WaPo doesn't know whether to run for the safe streets of Baltimore, cry "racist!!"or just do all it can do to savage "Tea Party" Senate candidates that keep beating DeceptiCON hacks because they promise stupid things like balanced budgets and an end to federal agencies. Nebraska is the latest whipping post for all of the above Brad Birzer: The REAL Founding was over a long time ago, oh and […]

todayMay 18, 2012 9
