
1980 Results / Page 210 of 220



The Real Estate Market is NOT coming back-get used to it!

[mp3t track='02112011_Transcript_Real_estate_bubble_still_bursting.mp3']Audio, Mandeville, LA -  Begin Mike Church Show Transcript - Mike: The Federal Reserve, in cahoots with our federal government, in cahoots with all the state governments, and in cahoots with this crooked, most corrupt institutions in the history of Earth in addition to the Federal Reserve, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the damage that these people did and what has been done to the real estate and housing […]

todayNovember 3, 2011 2


Sunday's Are Not For Saints Anymore

[mp3t track='01112011_Transcript2_Lost_arts_of_virtue.mp3']Audio, Mandeville, LA -  Begin Mike Church Show Transcript - Mike: Ladies and gentlemen, the only mechanism that is available now, there are systemic changes that would cause whats the word? There are systemic changes that could be made that would cause a revival, a renaissance, if you will, in some of the lost arts of virtue. They are amendments to the Constitution that could stop some of this. […]

todayNovember 1, 2011 17


Is Ron Paul Wrong Occassionally? Yes

  Obama VS Reagan: A Voice in True Liberty Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Clay in Michigan next, Mike Church Show, Sirius XM Patriot Channel.  Hello, Clay. Clay:  I think that theres a lot of people that we should probably take out.  But even so, you know, on the same tone, its like, you know, behind or you take down one Satan, and theres seven Satans ready to stand […]

todayOctober 27, 2011 8


Free Student Loans For Everyone!

Audio, Mandeville, LA -  Begin Mike Church Show Transcript -Free student loans for everyone wheeeee what could possibly go RIGHT|  You know, this is a great point.  And I could talk for the rest of the day about the silliness and the fraudulent advertising, the fraudulent promotion of this thing called higher education and how the bubble has been inflated by the fact that there are student loans and the […]

todayOctober 27, 2011 2


Church Doctrine-Imbeciles Who Financed Utopia Will Find Out Why Socialism Does Not Pay

[mp3t track='20111027_church_doctrine_sponsored.mp3']Imbeciles Who Financed Utopia Will Find Out Why Socialism Does Not Pay2011 Mike ChurchExclusive, Audio & Transcript - Hey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine. In his latest, shameless attempt to bribe enough voters to win re-election, Dear Leader, Chairman MaOBama has promised to fulfill the nationalization of the student loan industry contained in ObamaCare and then undo the part of the loan where the recipient actually […]

todayOctober 27, 2011 2


CDOC-I Cannot Love My Country Because It Is Vile

[mp3t track='20111026_church_doctrine_sponsored.mp3']I Cannot Love My Country Because It Is VileAnd I Cannot Fix It Either2011 Mike ChurchExclusive, Audio & Transcript - Hey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine. The headlines at The Hill newspaper blared out the message: 69% of voters say America is in decline. I would respond by asking those 69%: well, what do you propose that we do to arrest this decline? A follow-up question […]

todayOctober 26, 2011 19


EXCLUSIVE-Ron Paul: Cain & Perry's Plans Won't Stop Insolvency

Mandeville, LA, EXCLUSIVE Audio & Transcript - Ron Paulvisits the Mike Church Show again and answers listeners questions aboutwhat he means by "militarism" and Mike's question on his reaction toHerman Cain's charge that he does not trust Paul to be President.Ron Paul Segment 1 on what militarism means | Interview/Oct_2011/25102011_Interview_Ron_Paul_seg1of3_militarism.mp3;Ron Paul Segment 2 on his humble foreign policy taking a beating since Awlaki and Ghadaffi successes | Interview/Oct_2011/25102011_Interview_Ron_Paul_seg1of3_modest_foreign_policy_fading.mp3;Ron Paul Segment […]

todayOctober 25, 2011 8


Investment Opportunity -Road to Independence Movie

October 25, 2011 - RTI Investment Seminar Order: Road to Independence - Director's Edition NowSlideshow: Character & Background ArtRead: Prof. Brad Birzer's Review of Road to IndependenceRead: Tom Mullen's Review of Road to IndependenceInvest in the Road to Independence Investment Opportunity: Invest NowThis is Your Chance to Help Push Founding Father Films & the TRUE Story of our Founding into the Mainstream!NEW ORLEANS, La. - Listeners still have exclusive first […]

todayOctober 25, 2011 13


What If Steyn, Schiff & Co. Are Correct About Our Doom?

[mp3t track='20102011_Transcript1_Preparing_for_Independence_and_the_bust.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: If If the federal government, if the federagovmint, as Romney calls it, begins to implode under a massive burden of interest debt and cannot pay it and cannot meet its obligations, short of What?, what do you believe will be the reaction to this? Will the government say, Hey, any of you people have any gold and silver? Turn it in. We need it […]

todayOctober 20, 2011 5
