
495 Results / Page 54 of 55


Pile Of Prep

Obama to NC Amendment 1 Voters: Screw Off, There’s an Eric Holder Lawsuit Headed Your Way

Why did he do it? Obama, in sham "surprise statement" tells Robin Roberts he approves of gay marriage, so will he order Holder to sue NC or just open his own Elvis style wedding chapel at the White House with C-Lo Green singing Mendelsohn's Wedding March? Michelle Bachmann finally does something actually conservative-claiming citizenship in a [r]republic called Switzerland, Here is hysterical "Tea Party" reaction that she has violated her […]

todayMay 10, 2012 5

Pile Of Prep

Defending The Bake Sale Cash Cow Is No Substitute For Defending Junkfood Liberty

The state of  Taxachussetts bans sale of all baked good items at ALL schools and looks to extending the ban statewide; I wonder if Twinkies & Moonpies are legal in IRAN? Is the junk food ban the fault of RomneyCare's expensive and ultimately unsustainable commitment to provide health insurance to all? - MC Of course worldwide, non-stop abortions and the morality (or lack of) it requires produces will NEVER lead […]

todayMay 8, 2012 1


Where the Jobs AREN’T… Real Unemployment at 11.6%

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - So anything under 90,000 new jobs added is anemic, is a recession.  So the real unemployment rate now is 11.6 percent based on the 5.4 million additional workers that should be counted as the U-3, that’s the unemployment rate 3, which then means that the real number of unemployed is not 12.5 million but 17.9 million, which in turn implies an 11.6 percent unemployment […]

todayMay 7, 2012 3

Pile Of Prep

Amazon Tax Deals Set Off Quest For National Sales Tax aka Internet Freedom Is In Peril

TN Governor makes deal with amazon for sales taxes but sets his sights on a national tax, Thanks! Obama launches campaign and only half the Life of Julia fans show up Andy McCarthy: The Blind Sheik Case (1993 WTC bomber) could not be prosecuted effectively today because of our compulsory blindness and surrender to jihad Steyn: Life of Julia is just another composite girlfriend for Obama and Elizabeth Warren is […]

todayMay 7, 2012 9

Founders Television

America: Gatekeepers of Freedom

MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - Everyone on Earth, and in the Milky Way and all the other galaxies and mirror universes out there, want freedom but the United States seems to think that it is the gatekeeper of freedom, that everyone out there has to go through us to attain freedom. For the American way of life to prevail, for us to have freedom, we have to invade Romulus, […]

todayMay 2, 2012 2

Pile Of Prep

Obama Doubles Down on Commercializing bin Laden Anniversary With Prime Time End Zone Dance

Not content to have Bill Clinton cut 3 minute long advermercials for the bin Laden touchdown dance, our Dear Leader parachutes into Baghram, Afghanistan to boast of his kill in prime-time Fox News poll shows nearly EIGHTY PER CENT of American sheople approve of getting out of Afghanistan now... is Governor Romney listening? VIDEO: OMSNBC asks smelly Occupier where he has been this winter, only to discover he was resting […]

todayMay 1, 2012 6

Daily Clip

Caller Larry Would Vote For Turd Before Obama

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - Well Larry in Philadelphia, I hope that turd works out for you because that's going to be some smelly change.  We're not even sure Larry is listening to the right program because he accuses Mike of badmouthing Romney, which he wasn't, but it doesn't really matter, Romney and Obama are both going to send you crashing over the waterfall.  So Larry, maybe […]

todayApril 30, 2012 8

Pile Of Prep

Ron Paul wins LA Caucus But Even Victories For The Good Dr. Are Savaged as “So What!”

Ron Paul's win in the LA Caucus is reported by FoxNews, CNN, OMSNBC, Drudge? Nope, just relayed by those that voted in the LA Caucus and posted the official results: LA Caucus results, District 1 The good news doesn't end with Louisiana Caucuses though, the Ron Paul campaign has made inroads into many state Rep Party power structures including Alaska Gottfried: "Weak tea" is indeed what plagues the Te Party's fortunes […]

todayApril 29, 2012 4

Pile Of Prep

Government Popularity Shrinks as its Obscene Size Grows

The bigger Obama and Boehner's Leviathan grows the more people find reasons to hate it, hmmm, is there a link? TIC: Jefferson REALLY DID say, write, long for, promote, defend little [r]epublics and here is more proof "But why is it not possible to begin to reverse the trend by concentrating on one’s own locale and region? Perhaps the problem is not that too many roads lead to Rome, but rather […]

todayApril 26, 2012 5
