Church Doctrine 17 May, 2011 – The Church Doctrine [private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]Farewell Federal Bill of Rights, Farewell2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineWell, after yesterdays shocking, 8-1 Supreme Court ruling that police can kick down any door they like if they believe evidence is being destroyed, if you were not a believer of my adage that the Constitution is DEAD maybe now you will be. The 9, wise men and women on the court basically ended […] todayMay 17, 2011 6
Church Doctrine There Theres Nothing Common About Great Works of Great Men2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Russell Kirk was a great historian of the latter half of the 20th century and he was a great conservative yet few people read or cite him these days. This is mostly because Kirk was an unapologetic opponent of American Empire made possible through nation building exercises. What Kirk also contributed was […] todayMay 12, 2011 4
Church Doctrine A Soviet Union of Our Very Own (Yea Stalin!) A Soviet Union of Our Very Own (Yea Stalin!)2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineWhat is the purpose of our Federal union under the Constitution? Well, if we take the opinion of the Obama White House, the purpose of the union is to provide 309 million lab rats for our federal masters to test out their theories on how to transform mere citizens into perfect servants […] todayMay 11, 2011 4
Church Doctrine Backstabbers Aren Backstabbers Arent Just OJays Songs Anymore2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineThe Tea Party defections are starting to mount as it becomes clear that there is nothing anyone can do to fix Washington. Representative Allen West who is widely admired and respected as a conservative leader in the Tea Party movement has chosen to vote against a bill that withholds funding for ObamaCare saying that he […] todayMay 10, 2011 6
Church Doctrine Scotland – The Original Hick Hayseed Hotbed of Racism? Scotland - The Original Hick Hayseed Hotbed of Racism?2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Chris Matthews, a TV Talking head, has conducted several interviews with advocates of states rights and the 10th Amendment since the Tea Party fist made national news in 2009. In these interviews, Matthews hurls his spittle across the set accusing those who promote state sovereignty and opposition to the Federal Governments Empire […] todayMay 10, 2011 12
Church Doctrine Bad News: Unemployment Is Up. Worse News: Economists Unaffected Bad News: Unemployment Is Up. Worse News: Economists Unaffected2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineThere is an old saying that even a broken clock is right twice a day, well that phrase does NOT seem to apply to our mighty, central, economic planner overlords in Washington DC. We know this because they are always, shocked or surprised by the unexpected rise in first time unemployment benefit […] todayMay 5, 2011 7
Church Doctrine Raise The Terror Alert Level Raise The Terror Alert Level On the Missouri Delta2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Lets play a word game today that will help explain some of the current tyranny we suffer under in these United States. Americans refer to France, Afghanistan and Pakistan as countries but in the 18th century they were commonly called states. Our Declaration of Independence even dissolves our political connections with the […] todayMay 4, 2011 6
Daily Clip There is No Need to Continue These Militaristic Interventions Foreign Interventionism Breeds Tomorrow's EnemiesNEW ORLEANS, La. Steve, the father of a fallen soldier calls in to the show to voice his support of beginning the process of bringing all troops home following the death of Osama bin Laden. Not only does the interventionist militaristic lead to the creation of tomorrows enemies, loss of American lives, and is quickening the pace towards a national bankruptcy. Thus in the end, all […] todayMay 4, 2011 1
Church Doctrine Heritage et al – They Just Cannot Help Themselves Heritage et al - They Just Cannot Help Themselves2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.With the death of Osama bin Laden now a part of history the United States War Machine is already revving up to find yet another bogeyman or monster to go in search of to slay and spend $2-3 TRILLION in the process. They just cant help themselves.Take for example this message from […] todayMay 3, 2011 5
Daily Clip Now that bin Laden is Dead Can we Please end the Wars? Now that bin Laden is Dead Can we Please end the Wars?NEW ORLEANS, La. Mike wonders what exactly it will take following the death of the murdering-savage Osama bin Laden, to end the wars, restore the lost liberties through the PATRIOT Act, Military Commissions Act, et al. Unfortunately, however as Mike points out, the blood-lust on display during the Sunday morning talk show circuit, just cannot trip over itself fast […] todayMay 2, 2011 7
Church Doctrine Bin Laden 2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Now that Osama bin Laden has been killed by U.S. Special Forces you would think we could begin to talk about ending the occupations and conflicts begun to wage the war on terror, alas, the fight is just beginning according to some. While informing the country of bin Ladens demise President Obama said as much when he opined that The […] todayMay 2, 2011 1
Transcripts Battered Citizen Syndrome, it is time to Divorce the Federal Government [mp3t track='29042011_Transcript1Why_Faith_in_reforms.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, La. - In every other facet of life, whether in business or when a personal relationship is no longer working and cannot be salvaged, options such as closing the doors or filing for divorce provide an opportunity for both parties to start over. However, despite the ever-climbing deficit and that the great deck chair reshuffling of 2010 has shown to bear little fruit, we as Americans are […] todayApril 30, 2011 3
Daily Clip Americans Asleep Like Rip Van Winkle? Americans Asleep Like Rip Van Winkle?NEW ORLEANS, La. Mike takes a call about how many Americans seem to be asleep as we hurtle ever quicker to insolvency as the government continues to spend with reckless abandon. Further, Mike discusses yet another horrendous piece of legislation from Senators Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Mark Pryor (D-Ark) mandating tracking devices on all interstate commercial carriers so that the government can record the location […] todayApril 29, 2011 10
Church Doctrine The 9 Deadly Words Conservatives Can The 9 Deadly Words Conservatives Cant Say On TV2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.President Reagan often said the 9 funniest words in the English language were Im from the government and Im here to help. Well, today I think the funniest 9 words in the English language from conservatives are Get government out of healthcare, except for my grandmas. This is the mantra that we […] todayApril 29, 2011 3
Church Doctrine Trump Trumps Minions Should Search For BernYankMes Birth Certificate2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.If you have seen the movie Wag The Dog then you know very well that nothing gets written or broadcast about the White House of the President that he doesnt directly or indirectly control. This is even more true today as we watch the vast propaganda machine that is the Obama White House […] todayApril 28, 2011 3
Daily Clip A Dollar Sure Doesn’t Buy What it Use to Mike Church: We Know the FEDERAL RESERVE is the EnemyNEW ORLEANS, La. Patricia in South Carolina calls in to speak with Mike about the widely held misnomer regarding the price of gasoline. Her impassioned excoriation of the FEDERAL RESERVEs system of fiat currency makes plain, the price of gasoline is not rising in terms of actual value, but instead illuminates the utter devaluation of the Dollar.The evidence is plain, as […] todayApril 28, 2011 16
Church Doctrine The U.S. Titanic Will Sink Regardless of Who Rearranges The Deck Chairs The U.S. Titanic Will Sink Regardless of Who Rearranges The Deck ChairsHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.2011 Mike ChurchAt a speech given to a Tea Party rally in Madison Wisconsin this past Saturday, Governor Sara Palin told the crowd that the new Deck Chair Party - was not sent to Mordor on the Potomac River to rearrange the deck chairs on the sinking U.S. Titanic. Frequent listeners […] todayApril 21, 2011 10
Transcripts The Arrogance of the Entitlement Class (video) On Monday Neil Cavuto interviewed Representative Bernice Johnson (D-TX) to discuss the burgeoning debt problem and recent budget debate in Congress. Unfortunately for her constitutents, Representative Johnson suffers from such a severe case of cognitive dissonance, that it is unlikely she is capable of offering them any leadership whatsoever. her insistance that "money grows on trees" and that the federal government will forever have access to limitless credit card, led […] todayApril 20, 2011 2
Daily Clip We are on a Freight Train Elevator to Economic Hades We are on a Freight Train Elevator to Economic HadesNEW ORLEANS, La. - The complacent sycophantic old-media is once again trumpeting the notion of class warfare via the same old tired tactic, i.e. Soak the Rich. According to a recent Gallop survey, six in ten Americans feel the rich do not pay their fair-share in taxes.Thus, six out of ten Americans disappointed with their own ability to earn more want […] todayApril 19, 2011 7
Church Doctrine Nu, prisoedinit?sya ko mne commrade(Come, join me Comrade) Nu, prisoedinit?sya ko mne commrade(Come, join me Comrade)2011 Mike ChurchHi folks it's Mike Church with Today's Church DoctrineI have one very simple question to ask today: What took the "experts" at Standard & Poor's so long to finally announce to the financial world what most Americans already knew: The United States' Federal Leviathan is BROKE and it is getting more indebted by the hour. The timeliness of S&P's threat to […] todayApril 19, 2011 9
Daily Clip U.S. College Debt Projected to be Over a Trillion Dollars or 2/3 of India College Debt Projected to be Over a Trillion Dollar or 2/3 of Indias GDPMANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA Mike speaks to the utter fraud financing college has become under the federal student loan monopoly. With students graduating buried in debt many times with diplomas totally incapable of generating enough income to ever relieve themselves of the initial federal shackles, this is a bubble just waiting to burst as defaults continue to rise at […] todayApril 18, 2011 6
Church Doctrine Fresh Fried Donuts – The Breakfast of Liberty’s Champions Fresh Fried Donuts - The Breakfast of Liberty's Champions2011 Mike ChurchHi folks it's Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.I attended a pair of Tea Party rallies this weekend, one in New York City and one in Tyler Texas. How ironic that the citizens of New York, which has a population in excess of 8 million people don't find their own government an imposition and instead focus all their energies on […] todayApril 18, 2011 6
Transcripts GE War Machine Propaganda Arm, MSNBC Attempts to Smear Nullification Movement Quick LinksOriginal Smear Reportby: Rachel Maddow "Toys in the Attic Strike Again"by: Michael Boldin"Liberals for Slavery"by: Jack Hunter(WIRE REPORT) - Editor's Note: As Americans express renewed interest in the Constitution, as well as the philosophy of little-r republicanism as espoused by Mr. Jefferson and Madisons Virginia & Kentucky resolution, the War-Industry via Old-Media outlets have taken the occasion of the Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War to go on the […] todayApril 14, 2011 8
Church Doctrine Civil War History: Factually Accurate As An Episode Of Johnny Bravo Civil War History: Factually Accurate As An Episode Of Johnny Bravo2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.On April 12, 150 years ago today the shelling of Fort Sumter began, but the version of history about this event most Americans are familiar with and the events that happened afterwards is about as accurate had it come from Johnny Bravo of the Cartoon Network. The facts surrounding Fort […] todayApril 13, 2011 4
Daily Clip Going Galt, Howard says He’s had ENough of Being a Wage Slave MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Howard, a small business owner in Pennsylvania has decided he is no longer going to participate in a system of coerced wage confiscation, i.e. Income Taxes that serve no purpose other than to pay the Private Central Bankers at the FEDERAL RESERVE's interest and thus has opted to notify his employees, that as of this morning he is shutting down his company and that he, as one […] todayApril 11, 2011 3
Church Doctrine The Dream of Actually Shutting Down the Federal Government Part II The Dream of Actually Shutting Down the Federal Government2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Last Friday, protestors gathered outside the hallowed halls of Mordor on the Potomac Rivers Capitol to demand their unearned fair share of your wages and property. Now if that isnt offensive enough, the fair share in question will provide hundreds of millions in federal funds for the ghastly procedure that is abortion. […] todayApril 11, 2011 6
Pile Of Prep 11 April, 2011 Pile of Prep Tom Woods: Life without the Feds (will not be so bad!)Boehner's office crows about the "bigest spending cut in American history" and therein lies the problem!Mark Steyn: The end of AMerica as we know it (along with Medicare)From Billions to TRILLIONS in cuts claims Paul Ryan in this weeks Re[ublican radio addressAndy McCarthy: You have GOT to be kidding me? This is the best the GOWP could do in the […] todayApril 11, 2011 7
Church Doctrine Thanks Mr. Ryan – Republicans Remove The Possibility of Victory Over Marx 2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.The conservative author William Voegeli wrote an essay in 2007 called The trouble with limited government. In that essay, Voegeli argued that conservatives should mount a campaign to repeal the legacy of FDR, the New Deal and the rest of the welfare state. At its conclusion Voegeli wrote A conservatism that labors to reverse liberalism's displacement of Americans' rights as […] todayApril 7, 2011 3
Church Doctrine $5 Trillion Gamble On The Future or the U.F. of R.S.? 2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineThe Republican wunderkid, Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has finally released his Roadmap Forward budget outline which purports to cut the federal deficit by $5 Trillion over the next decade. This may sound like a huge amount of money and the cure to our financial ills but relatively speaking this is but a 10% reduction in what will become $50 Trillion […] todayApril 6, 2011 6
Daily Clip The Entitlement Class has Led us to the Edge of Soviet-Style Collapse Audio Player HelpMANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA Mike speaks with a caller who takes issues with those who like leeches, live off the government and yet still manage to drive new vehicles, have internet, cell-phones and all the other trappings of what used to be the rewards of a middle-class work ethic. Now however, as the Welfare/Warfare STATISTS confiscate the wages of the people, Mike sees our once free and prosperous nation looking […] todayApril 4, 2011 5
Church Doctrine Are We Bombing Libya To Conceal That $26 Billion We Gave Them In Bailouts? 2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineWill the last DeceptiCON standing go to their demise still fully in support of Obamas Un-Constitutional, Libyan war now that the real motivation for it seems to be money-OUR money? Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone Magazine reports today that of the 21,000 entities conferred status as too big to fail back in the Fall of 2008 one of those was […] todayApril 4, 2011 6
Transcripts The Idiocy of Government Mandated High Efficiency Washing Machines [mp3t track='31032011_transcript_1_Appliances_what_we_squander.mp3']AG: Procter & Gamble.Mike: Procter & Gamble makes Tide, thank you. And he was chewing that woman out who was and Rand was saying, Im offended. This is appalling that you think that you can come into my house and regulate my toilet and my shower, and my appliances dont work anymore. And remember, we did a whole, just accidentally stumbled onto this subject. And for two or three […] todayMarch 31, 2011 5
Transcripts BEST of INTERVIEW: Prof. Gutzman -Do we Need a Standing Army? [mp3t track='31032011_Guztman_int_War_Powers_seg3.mp3']Prof. Gutzman: Government on Unsustainable Path Annually Borrowing 40% of what it spendsSTUDIO D - Professor Kevin Gutzmanjoins Mike on the DudeMaker Hotline to discuss the necessary debate now occurring amongst Constitutionalists, Tea-Partiers, GOP statists, and members of the Liberty Movement over a President's ability to use the military without seeking a declaration from the Congress."Teddy Roosevelt was completely contemptuous of the idea of limited power in the central […] todayMarch 31, 2011 4
Transcripts Interview: Professor Kevin Gutzman -Do we Need a Standing Army? [mp3t track='31032011_Guztman_int_War_Powers_seg3.mp3']Prof. Gutzman: Government on Unsustainable Path Annually Borrowing 40% of what it spends AdvertisementSTUDIO D - Professor Kevin Gutzman joins Mike on the DudeMaker Hotline to discuss the necessary debate now occurring amongst Constitutionalists, Tea-Partiers, GOP statists, and members of the LibertyMovement over a President's ability to use the military without seeking adeclaration from the Congress."Teddy Roosevelt was completely contemptuous of the idea of limited power in the central […] todayMarch 31, 2011 6
Church Doctrine What Conservatism Can Learn From Captain Jean Luc Picard What Conservatism Can Learn FromCaptain Jean Luc Picard2011 Mike ChurchHey folks its Mike Church withtodays Church DoctrineIn the Star Trek movie FirstContact, Captain Jean Luc Picard is confronted with what seems like a no winsituation as the evil Borg prepare to assimilate the earth unless Picardblows up the Enterprise and the Borg alongside it. Picard, refuses to cave into the defeat and in a moving speech says Weve made too […] todayMarch 30, 2011 4
Daily Clip Bill Kristol Grand Wizard of the “We Bomb You Klan” MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Mike discusses the"Grand-Wizard" of the "We-Bomb-You-Klan", Bill Kristol, who has yet to meet a Patriot or Tomahawk missile lobbed into a Middle Eastern country that doesn't bring an ear to ear smile to his face. In additon, reports are now coming in from the front, that America does indeed have troops on the ground despite claims to the contrary. AdvertisementT-shirt and KingDude Cigar Special $19.95 todayMarch 29, 2011 4
Church Doctrine Would Conservatives Arm or Demand Attacks Be Made on American Would Conservatives Arm or DemandAttacks Be Made on American Rebels?2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church withtodays Church Doctrine.What exactly do the elites mean whenthey call a public figure a conservative these days? To listen to the dailylineup of TV & Radio shows that have been anointed as conservative yieldsa snapshot of conservatism that the first conservatives would findreprehensible. For example when it comes to weighing in on federal governmentspending, […] todayMarch 29, 2011 4
Transcripts EXCLUSIVE Interview: Dr. Tom Woods Responds to Mark Levin on War Powers [mp3t track='Tom_Woods_29032011_pt3_Woods_vs_Levin.mp3']AdvertisementSTUDIO-D - Dr. Tom Woods responds to the ad hominem attacks levied againsthim over the controversy surrounding the Constitutional ability or lack thereoffor a President to wage "offensive" war without receiving a proper Declaration for suchfrom the Congress. The issue became a point of derision for radio host andformer Reagan cabinet adviser Mark Levin who pointed to previous instances ofthe Executive branch waging undeclared wars as justification and labeled […] todayMarch 29, 2011 11
Church Doctrine Who Says There Are Only Two Sides Of The Aisle? Who Says There Are Only Two Sides Of The Aisle?2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine These days our general dialogue is filled with cliches but theres one inparticular that really bothers me: both sides of the aisle. This clicheis purportedly used to describe the polar opposite political partiesthat occupy the mythological, left and right sides of the House ofRepresentin. It is also use to describe […] todayMarch 24, 2011 5
Transcripts Interview: Professor Livingston Dissects the State of the Union Professor Livingston: This is not, nor was America ever a Republic STUDIO D - Mike interviews Professor Donald Livingston from Emory University located just outside of Atlanta in Druid Hills, Georgia. Known as one of the premiere authorities on David Hume, he is also a highly praised Constitutional scholar, who brings his unique understanding of the Founding Generation's intent on the Union. His critiques on Lincoln as well as […] todayMarch 24, 2011 6